Recap of the second Levy Public Informational Meeting

Posted by #OneChippewa on November 04, 2022 · 1 min read

Thank you to all who joined us in person or virtually via Zoom or Facebook Live ( thanks to Doylestown Thrive ). In case you missed it, catch the recording of the presentation on our YouTube channel.

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We want to give a big thanks to the staff, namely Ken Gasser, Carolyn Garbinsky, Beth Ogg, Caroline Cooper, and Rick McMerrell, for the many hours put into organizing this community dinner for this event, along with the over 30 volunteers who prepared food, desserts, served food, and more, all volunteering their time and money because they love and appreciate our community.

We also want to thank our five panelists, Carl Dulin, Emily Conyers, Hannah Schade, Luke Sommers, and Lynsey Sausaman, for sharing thier testimontals on the district and the community.

There were a few themes that stuck out in the testimonials given by our panelists…

  • Our district is recognized as one excelling in academic achievement, and families are looking at coming to Chippewa for that “excellence in education.” We can thank having strong home values for the work done by our staff and students in making that happen.
  • Our students see the community as a supporter, always there with smiling faces and helpful hands, and that has impacted them as a person.
  • The importance for those in our community to give back to the schools and community that gave so much for them.

It was truly a moving experience to hear how Chippewa has impacted each of them.